
About ElectroCure

ElectroCure is a Low Cost Smart Metering solution with Meter-less Architecture. Single Module serves multiple consumers, Hence, it helps in cost reduction per consumer. It's an ideal solution for electricity theft & losses detection. ElectroCure provides real-time data acquisition of electricity distribution network, metering, monitoring & control.

Sustainable Development Goals


The overall architecture is similar to smart metering, which provides a real time electricity consumption measurement & sends data to regional data center of electricity supply company automatically. ElectroCure solution is multi tariff, demand response, remote controlled power on/off and interactive interface. The Distribution boxes installed at consumer end will record and send energy usage periodically to regional data center (RDC).


Reduction of 30% electricity losses including theft losses, technical losses & administrative losses.

Reduces HR cost by automatically sending alerts & data to central billing system.

Developed by technical experts.

Developed according to international standards and needs.